Outline Assignment ENGL 100 -Fall 2021

Outline Assignment ENGL 100 -Fall 2021
In-class Component of the Final Essay
November 16th, 2021
Student Number
Essay Question
Though both Sarah Teasdale’s poem “There Will Come Soft Rains” and Ray Bradbury’s short story by the same title represent post-apocalyptic worlds, the texts are very distinct in their imagination of a post-apocalyptic landscape. Write an essay comparing these two post-apocalyptic texts by focusing on how Teasdale’s poem influences Bradbury’s story.
Outline Assignment
You will develop an outline for the final essay based on the research question provided above. There are five slots for five body paragraphs but if you want to write more you can simply add another slot for another body paragraph; similarly, you can simply delete a slot for a body paragraph if you choose to write less than five body paragraphs.
Thesis Statement/s [One or two sentences that present the main point of your essay which should be crafted as an answer to the research question/prompt]
Body paragraph 1
Topic Sentence
Quotations from the primary text
Body paragraph 2
Topic Sentence
Quotations from the primary text
Body paragraph 3
Topic Sentence
Quotations from the primary text
Body paragraph 4
Topic Sentence
Quotations from the primary text
Body paragraph 5
Topic Sentence
Quotations from the primary text
Projected Conclusions: A sentence or two that highlights the benefits of reading these two texts together
Add a Works Cited page that contains three secondary sources.
Use the library’s online system to find these secondary sources.
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